Pheobe the puffer fish was inspired by my daughter’s god mother. When I asked her what she wanted to make for her baby she told me a puffer fish. There was one on her baby shower invitation she loved. It was adorable and I went to the internet to search for a pattern. But I found nothing close enough! Since I have been crocheting for fifteen plus years, I decided to take on the challenge of making my own pattern. These are the results.
She is adorable and my best friend and her husband loved the results. But I don’t want this pattern to become forgotten about, so I have decided to share it with the world. Pheobe deserves to be remade for others to enjoy and love. Her eyes are an embroidery pattern I designed that I will have listed at this link. You can either buy the embroidery pattern to use on your machine or if you do not have one, I can mail your eyes premade. There is another web page about how to make embroidery eyes with your machine.
Unless you choose to forgo the embroidery eyes you can change things up and use felt eyes, or safety eyes. Whatever you think will make your puffer fish look the cutest. There are two options for making this pattern, jacquard method, or no nacjuard method. If you do not want to do this method, I also offer it written out without that method. It’ll still turn out cute. There is no right or wrong way to do this pattern.
Yarn colors: Purple, light purple, white.
Black embroidery thread
Size C – 2.75 mm
Embroidered felt eyes, or safety eyes, or felt eyes.
- Pins
Size: 6 in tall X 5 12 in wide X 6 in depth
St = stitch
INC = increase
DEC = Decrease
SC = Single Crochet
Slip stitch = slip stitch
Color changes are indicated before the stitches they’ll be used for.
Starting in purple color, 2.75 mm hook
Round 1: SC magic ring (6)
Round 2: INC in each SC (12)
Round 3: SC in 1 st, INC in next stitch repeat 6 times (18)
Round 4: SC in 2 st, INC in next stitch repeat around (24)
Round 5: SC in 3 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (30)
Round 6: SC in 4 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (36)
Round 7: SC in 5 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (42)
Round 8: SC in 6 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (48)
Round 9: SC in 7 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (54)
Round 10: SC in 8 st, INC in next stitch repeat around (60)
Round 11: SC in every stitch (60)
Round 12: SC in 9 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (66)
Round 13: SC in every stitch (66)
Round 14: SC in 10 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (72)
Round 15-17: SC in every stitch (72)
Switch to light purple and white using jacquard method for color changing.
Round 18: (Light purple) SC in 12 st ((White) don’t cut off the purple we’ll switch back) SC 3 in each, (light purple) SC in 3 st, (white) SC in 3 st, (light purple) SC in 2 st, INC in 3 st, (white) SC in 14 st, (light purple) SC in 1 st, INC in 3 st, SC in 2 st, (white) SC in 3 st, (light purple) SC in 3 st, (white) SC in 3 st, (purple) SC in 14 st. (78)
Round 19: (light purple) SC in 12 st, (white) SC in 4 st, (light purple) SC in 3 st, (white) SC in 3 st, (light purple) SC in 10 st, (white) SC in 14 st, (light purple) SC in 10 st, (white) SC in 3 st, (Light purple) SC in 3 st, (white) SC in 4 st, (light purple) SC in 12 st. (78)
Round 20: (light purple) SC in 10 st, (white) SC in 5 st, (light purple) SC in 2 st, (white) SC in 5 st, (light purple) SC in 11 st, (white) SC in 13 st, (light purple) SC in 11 st, (white) SC in 4 st, (light purple) SC in 2 st, (white) SC in 5 st, (light purple) SC in 10 st. (78)
Round 21: (light purple) SC in 8 st, (white) SC in 15 st, (light purple) SC in one st, DEC 3 times, SC in 2 st, (white) SC in 15 st, (light purple) SC in 2 st, DEC 3 times, SC in 1 st, (white) SC in 14 st, (light purple) SC in 8 st. (72)
Round 22: (light purple) SC in 6 st, (white) SC in 18 st, (light purple) DEC one time pull the yarn through the loops, pull white through the next stitch and continue to SC in white for 18 st, (light purple) DEC one time pull the yarn through the loops, pull with through the next stitch and continue to SC in white for 18 st, (light purple) SC in 6 st. (70)
Use white yarn the remainder of the body. You want cut some of the inside yarn and tie it off together if you feel the need too if not you can leave it as it is.
Round 23: SC in each stitch (70)
Round 24: SC in 11 st, DEC in next s, SC in 14 st, DEC in next stitch, SC in 13 st, DEC in next st, SC in 14 st, DEC in next st, SC in next 10 st (66)
Round 25: SC in each stitch (66)
Round 26: SC in 9 st, DEC in the next, Repeat all around (60)
Round 27: Sc in each stitch (60)
Stuff the cheeks only
Round 28: SC in 8, DEC in the next st, repeat around (54)
Round 29: SC in 7, DEC in the next st, repeat around (48)
Round 30: SC in 6, DEC in the next st, repeat around (42)
Round 31: SC in 5, DEC in the next st, repeat around (36)
Round 32: SC in 4, DEC in the next st, repeat around (30)
Begin stuffing with filling and continue until finished.
Round 33: SC in 3, DEC in the next st, repeat around (24)
Round 34: SC in 2 DEC in the next st, repeat around (18)
Round 35: SC in 1, DEC in the next st, repeat around (12)
Round 36: DEC in each stitch (6)
Cut the end and weave the yarn through.
Starting in purple color, 2.75 mm hook
Round 1: SC magic ring (6)
Round 2: INC in each SC (12)
Round 3: SC in 1 st, INC in next stitch repeat 6 times (18)
Round 4: SC in 2 st, INC in next stitch repeat around (24)
Round 5: SC in 3 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (30)
Round 6: SC in 4 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (36)
Round 7: SC in 5 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (42)
Round 8: SC in 6 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (48)
Round 9: SC in 7 st, INC in next stitche, repeat around (54)
Round 10: SC in 8 st, INC in next stitch repeat around (60)
Round 11: SC in every stitch (60)
Round 12: SC in 9 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (66)
Round 13: SC in every stitch (66)
Round 14: SC in 10 st, INC in next stitch, repeat around (72)
Round 15-17: SC in every stitch (72)
Switch to white yarn.
Round 18: SC in 25 st, INC in 3 st, SC in 16 st, INC in 3 st, SC in 25 st. (78)
Round 19: SC in every stitch (78)
Round 20: SC in every stitch (78)
Round 21: SC in 24 st, DEC 3 times, SC in 19 st, DEC 3 times, SC in 23 st. (72)
Round 22: SC in 24 st, DEC 1 time, SC in 18 st, DEC 1 time, SC in 24 st. (70)
Round 23: SC in each stitch (70)
Round 24: SC in 11 st, DEC in next s, SC in 14 st, DEC in next stitch, SC in 13 st, DEC in next st, SC in 14 st, DEC in next st, SC in next 10 st (66)
Round 25: SC in each stitch (66)
Round 26: SC in 9 st, DEC in the next, Repeat all around (60)
Round 27: Sc in each stitch (60)
Round 28: SC in 8, DEC in the next st, repeat around (54)
Round 29: SC in 7, DEC in the next st, repeat around (48)
Round 30: SC in 6, DEC in the next st, repeat around (42)
Round 31: SC in 5, DEC in the next st, repeat around (36)
Round 32: SC in 4, DEC in the next st, repeat around (30)
Begin stuffing with filling and continue until finished.
Round 33: SC in 3, DEC in the next st, repeat around (24)
Round 34: SC in 2 DEC in the next st, repeat around (18)
Round 35: SC in 1, DEC in the next st, repeat around (12)
Round 36: DEC in each stitch (6)
Cut the end and weave the yarn through.
Round 1: chain 3, turn.
Round 2: skip the first chain, INC in the next 2 st, chain 1, turn. (4)
Round 3: INC in the first st, SC in the next 2 st, INC in the last stitch, chain 1, turn. (6)
Round 4: SC in every stitch (6)
Round 5: INC in the first st, SC in the next four st, INC in the last st. (8)
Round 6: SC in every stitch. (8)
Round 7: INC in the first st, SC in the next 6 st, INC in the last st, turn (10)
Round 8: Slip stitch in the next 2 st, INC in the next st, slip stitch in the next 2 st, INC in the next st, slip stitch in the next 2 st, INC in the next, slip stitch in the last st. (13)
Fasten off.
Round 1: chain 6 (6)
Round 2: INC in the first st, SC in the next three stitches, INC in the last st, work around to the bottom of the chain, INC in the first st on the bottom, SC in the next three st, INC in the last st, slip stitch the last and first st. Cut off with a tail for sewing. (12)
Round 1: Chain about 30-33 depending on how tight you make the chain. It should wrap around the embroidered eye completely to be glued on. if you are using embroidered eyes.
If you are using a safety eyes chain around the eye until it wraps entirely around.
Attach all the fins on rows 16 and 17,
back-fin will go at stitch 1 of Round 16-17.
Right-fin attach at stitch 19-20 of round 16-17.
Left-fin attach at stitch 52-53 of round 16-17.
(optional) use some make up blush between the cheeks and fins.
Mouth round 20 and the middle of the mouth be at stitch 7-8. The ends of the mouth should have 4-5 stitches on each side between the cheeks.
Eyes: glue the embroidered eyes between 9-15 with 2-3 stitches between the eyes. Once the eyes are placed you can add the chain around the eyes weave the excess ends into the project and glue the chain to the outside of the eyes.